1. *Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 30 September 2016 (ASC 16/15)
2. *Matters Arising
2.1 Translation of Grades from Study Abroad (ASC/2016/2.1)
2.2 Convener’s Business: Programme Approval Group (ASC/2016/3.2)
2.3 Convener’s Business: Validated Institutions Scrutiny (ASC/2016/3.3)
3. *Convener's Business
Section A: Items for Discussion |
4. *Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee held on 3 November 2016 (ASC 16/16)
5. *Guidelines on the Exercise of Exam Board Discretion (ASC 16/17)
6. *Undergraduate College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2015-16
6.3 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC 16/20)
6.4 College of Science & Engineering (ASC 16/21)
7. *Periodic Subject Review
7.1 Reports on PSR to be Received during 2016-17 and Proposed ASC Reviewers (ASC 16/23)
7.2 Six-Month Update Report 2015-16
7.2.1 Academic Development Unit (ASC 16/24)
7.3 Update Reports
7.3.1 Classics (ASC 16/25)
Section B: Items for Formal Approval |
8. *Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art
8.1 Major Programme Amendment Approval: MLitt Fine Art Practice (ASC 16/26)
8.2 Programme Proposal: MLitt Art Writing (ASC 16/27)
8.3 Major Programme Amendment Proposal: MEd Creative Education (ASC 16/28)
8.4 Major Programme Amendment Proposal: MRes Creative Practices (ASC 16/29)
8.5 Programme Approval: BA/BSc (Hons) Immersive Systems Design (ASC 16/30)
8.6 Programme Approval: BDes (Hons) Sound for the Moving Image (ASC 16/31)
8.7 Proposal for Extension to Revalidation of MRes Creative Practices (ASC 16/32)
9. *Update on Progress on the Recommendations Arising from the Academic Review of Glasgow International College (GIC) held on 26 March 2015 (ASC 16/33)
Section C: Items for Noting or Information |
10. Items Referred from Christie’s Education (ASC 16/34)
10.1 Report from the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Christie’s Education, held on 7 July 2016
10.2 Report from the Revalidation Event for the History of Art and Art-world Practice Suite of Programmes at Christie’s Education
11. Report on New Courses and Course Amendments Approved by Schools during 2015-16 (ASC 16/35)
12. Report on Accreditation by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies – Session 2015-16 (ASC 16/36)
14. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 27 January 2017 at 9.30am in the Melville Room.