Brief description of the paper 

1) Paper 1 is a report of the meeting of the Joint Board for Christie’s Education and the University of Glasgow held on 7 July 2016. Due to staffing issues both in UoG and Christie’s Education, it was not possible to hold the meeting during term time.

2) Paper 2 is a report of the revalidation of the following programmes:

Undergraduate MA (Hons) History of Art and Art-world Practice
Postgraduate MLitt and PgDip History of Art and Art-world Practice
  Art and Architecture from Antiquity to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Fine and Decorative Art from Renaissance to Modern
Modern and Contemporary Art
Arts of China

It was agreed that, in light of the termination of the validation partnership, it would be appropriate to undertake a light touch approach to the revalidation event. The Panel was consulted electronically.

Action Requested 

1) Paper 1 - ASC is asked to note the report of the meeting held on 7 July 2016, in particular the discussion under Item 3 (and attached action plan) regarding the termination of the validation arrangement between CEDU and UoG (see also attached action plan).

2) Paper 2 - ASC is asked to note the approval (under summer powers) of the revalidation of the programmes listed above for a 3 year period commencing September 2016. Updates on the recommendations made by the Review Panel will be monitored and reported to ASC via the Joint Board.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Academic Collaborations Office and the Joint Board for CEDU.

Resource implications 


Timescale for Implementation 


Equality implications 



Prepared by: Karen Robertson