University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

Minute of Meeting held on Friday 30 September 2016 at 10:00 AM in the Melville Room


Professor Marc Alexander, Professor John Briggs, Ms Helen Butcher, Professor Neil Evans, Professor Tom Guthrie (Convener), Mr Matthew Hastings, Dr Maria Jackson, Dr Raymond McCluskey, Dr Niall MacFarlane, Professor Douglas Macgregor, Dr Margaret Martin, Dr Anna Morgan-Thomas, Dr Anna O'Neill. 

In Attendance:

Mrs Ruth Cole, Ms Jane Broad, Mr Fred Hay (vice Mr John Marsh).


Dr Jack Aitken, Professor Frank Coton, Dr Gordon Curry, Dr Charlotte Methuen, Ms Anna Phelan, Ms Kate Powell, Ms Joanne Ramsey, Dr Bryony Randall, Dr Helen Stoddart. 

ASC/2016/1 Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 20 May 2016 

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. 

ASC/2016/2 Matters Arising 


ASC/2016/2.1 Translation of Grades from Study Abroad (ASC/2015/61) 

Professor Guthrie noted that further progress was awaited regarding draft guidance on grade conversion.

Action: Senate Office

ASC/2016/2.2 Proposed Changes to Generic Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Degrees (ASC/2015/63) 

ASC had agreed that non-generic regulations could be developed for accredited Engineering MSc programmes. However, Engineering had now reported that the introduction of such regulations had been deferred to give more time to consider the position on programmes shared with other Schools and to fully explore the necessary changes to assessment arising from the proposed use of D as the 'satisfactory' grade. Professor Guthrie also noted that the PGT generic regulations would be undergoing review by Academic Regulations Sub-Committee during 2016-17 as part of the new rolling programme of regulation review. 

ASC/2016/3 Convener's Business 


ASC/2016/3.1 Glasgow International College Representation 

The Convener reported that Dr Morgan-Thomas had agreed to replace Professor Hill as ASC's representative on the GIC Collegiate Board of Studies.

ASC/2016/3.2 Programme Approval Group 

As a result of the amended programme approval process, the majority of proposals for new programmes would be approved at College level. However, ASC would still be required to consider non-standard proposals or those involving more than one College. The Convener therefore proposed that in the first instance a pool of eight ASC members should be identified, from whom a programme approval group could be drawn as required.

Action: Clerk

It was also noted that, as part of the new arrangements, members were being approached to represent ASC on College Boards of Studies.

ASC/2016/3.3 Validated Institutions Scrutiny 

The Convener proposed that, given the large volume of business anticipated from the validated institutions, two members should be identified with particular responsibility for scrutiny of proposals. This would mirror arrangements already in place for scrutiny of PSR reports.

Action: Clerk

ASC/2016/4 Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee held on 9 September 2016 

Professor Alexander presented an oral report on the session's first meeting of ARSC. He noted the following items of business that would be brought forward to ASC in due course: the review of generic PGT regulations; a review of the layout of Good Cause regulations; and revised Schedule B descriptors to be used in conjunction with the single schedule of aggregation.

Ms Butcher reported that a number of enhancements concerning the entry of Good Cause claims on MyCampus were due for implementation shortly. It was hoped that the introduction of a new statement regarding the effect of claims being accepted would improve students' understanding of the process. Students would be required to tick a box to indicate that they understood the implications of their claim. The management of extension requests had been identified as an area for future enhancement.

ASC/2016/5 Periodic Subject Review 


ASC/2016/5.1 Summary Reports 

ASC/2016/5.1.1 2015-16: Summary of Recommendations

The Convener noted that from eight reviews 87 recommendations had been made. The main areas identified were: supporting staff, GTA support and training, student support mechanisms, range of provision, feedback provided to students, and strategic approach.

Professor Briggs noted that over a quarter of the recommendations related to staff development and support, including for GTAs. The latter was a recurring issue. In session 2014-15 the Deans of Graduate Studies and Deans of Learning & Teaching had held a special meeting to consider policy on GTAs, and at the May 2016 meeting of ASC it had been noted (ASC/2015/31.3) that the Colleges were in the process of adopting the College of Arts policy on GTAs, and that no further discussion was therefore required. Members noted, however, that from the most recent set of PSRs a number of issues concerning GTAs had been identified in the College of Arts so it was questioned why that College's policy was being adopted. Given that these issues continued to arise, members agreed that further investigation was required, possibly to involve HR where this related to terms and conditions of employment. The issues to be explored included: what staff expected GTAs to do; and what GTAs actually did, what training they were given, what they were paid for and whether the pay that they received reflected the actual work undertaken.

Clerk's post-meeting note: It has been clarified that the question of whether the College of Arts GTA policy should be adopted is still under consideration in each of the other Colleges. Also, the Assessment and Feedback Working Group has initiated a review concerning GTAs, and is referring to Recommendations arising from the last five years' PSR reports. The concerns noted by ASC have been forwarded to the Working Group.  

ASC/2016/5.1.2 2015-16: Summary of Good Practice / Key Strengths

The Convener noted that 75 areas of good practice and key strengths had been identified from the 2015-16 PSR cycle. The following areas had featured most frequently: student support mechanisms, range of assessment methods and innovative teaching. It was noted that the Learning & Teaching Committee had proposed that the Learning and Teaching Centre should be asked to identify good practice that was worthy of dissemination. ASC agreed with this proposal but noted that an annual summary should continue to be submitted for ASC's consideration. 

ASC/2016/5.2 Update Reports 2014-15 

ASC/2016/5.2.1 Economics

ASC received an update from Economics following on from ASC's consideration of its six-month update in May 2016. A further update on Recommendations 4 and 8 would be provided in April 2017. Overall the responses were considered adequate. However, further updates were requested in relation to the following Recommendations:

Recommendation 1: Further information is requested on the development of a clearer central policy on teaching delivery across the curriculum, as referred to in the Recommendation.

Recommendation 3: The subject area should clarify the statement that take home exams are being planned as an alternative for in course/class exams because 'central services will not provide the necessary requirements for room bookings anymore'. While ASC was aware of severe pressure on teaching accommodation, members were concerned that this should not be the driver for academic policy. The provision of further information would allow ASC to assess whether this should be referred to EdPSC for further consideration.

Recommendation 7: At its meeting in May 2016, ASC had requested an update on how the process of office hours was managed. The current update did not provide any further information on this.

ASC/2016/5.2.2 History

ASC received an update on four Recommendations and considered all responses were adequate with no further update required. 

ASC/2016/5.2.3 Theatre, Film & Television Studies

ASC received an update on three Recommendations and considered the responses adequate with the exception of the following:

Recommendations 2 and 8: Members concluded that the latest update provided limited further information regarding career progression and development opportunities for University Teachers on temporary contracts. A further update was requested, to include information on the number of staff on such contracts and whether there were reasons for there being disproportionately high numbers of such staff in the subject area. 

ASC/2016/5.2.4 Urban Studies

ASC received an update on one Recommendation, concerning the development of a learning and teaching strategy. ASC was satisfied that good progress had been made and no further update was required. 

ASC/2016/6 Remit, Composition and Membership 2016-17 


ASC/2016/6.1 Remit and Composition 

ASC approved minor amendments to its remit (Appendix 1), to reflect:

  • The new arrangements for programme approval, such that ASC was responsible for overseeing the process and only directly approving new proposals which were non-standard or where more than one College was involved.
  • The fact that monitoring of awards made jointly with other institutions was undertaken through standard monitoring processes and did not require annual reports from Schools directly to ASC.
ASC/2016/6.2 Membership 

The membership of ASC was approved for 2016-17. 

ASC/2016/7 Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art 


ASC/2016/7.1 Report from the Meeting of the Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art held on 8 February 2016  

ASC received the report from the Joint Liaison Committee held on 8 February 2016 and approved the Remit and Membership for 2015-16, and the proposed GSA staff members as Associate University Teachers. Members noted that the timeline for future Joint Liaison Committee meetings was under review to allow earlier availability of Committee reports for ASC and GSA Academic Council. 

ASC/2016/7.2 Report of the Visit to The Glasgow School of Arts Forres Campuses held on 1-2 August 2016 

ASC received the report of the visit by a panel from the University of Glasgow to The Glasgow School of Art's Forres campuses held on 1-2 August 2016. The visit's purpose was to allow the University to review facilities at GSA's new Forres campus, in order to establish that the learning experience and facilities were of a standard equivalent to that available at GSA's Glasgow campus. ASC noted the panel's conclusion that the new campus was fit for purpose, and approved the 10 Recommendations and five Commendations for onward transmission to GSA. 

ASC/2016/8 Item Referred from The Edinburgh Theological Seminary 


ASC/2016/8.1 Report of the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Edinburgh Theological Seminary held on 18 April 2016 

ASC noted the report from the meeting of the Joint Board held on 18 April 2016. 

ASC/2016/9 Proposal from College of Arts (Music) to Change the Awarding Body for the MMus in Historically Informed Performance Practice 

ASC noted that from 2017-18 the University of Glasgow would no longer award the MMus in Historically Informed Performance Practice. Joint teaching would continue but the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland would become the sole awarding body. The rationale for the change was that the programme would be likely to attract higher student numbers with RCS as the awarding institution, and that this would also offer more flexibility with fee levels. College processes were underway to ensure that the programme was withdrawn as a Glasgow award in accordance with established procedures. 

ASC/2016/10 Report on Items Approved under Summer Powers 


ASC/2016/10.1 Proposals approved under Fast-Track Procedures 

ASC noted the following new programmes recommended by the relevant Fast-Track Approval Group and approved by the Convener of ASC and the Clerk of Senate under Summer Powers for introduction in session 2016-17:

College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences

MSc Advanced Surgery

College of Social Sciences

International Masters in Children's Literature, Childhood Culture & Media (commencing in 2017-18)

LLB LLM with Specialisms

MRes/MSc in Global Migrations and Social Justice (commencing in 2017-18)

MSc Education with Pathways (commencing in 2017-18)

MSc Tourism, Environment & Sustainability (commencing in 2018-19)

ASC/2016/10.2 Items Carried Forward from 2015-16 Programme Approval Groups 

ASC noted that the following new programmes were approved under Summer Powers for introduction in September 2016 following completion of actions requested by the relevant Semester 2 PAG:

College of Arts

MLitt Art History: Inventing Modern Art 1768-1918

College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences

Master Veterinary Public Health (DL)

Master Public Health (DL)

MSc Bioinformatics, Polyomics & Systems Biology

MSc Global Mental Health (DL)

MSc Primary Care (DL)

College of Science & Engineering

BEng Electronics & Electrical Engineering (UESTC, Glasgow) 2 plus 2

MSc Structural Engineering

College of Social Sciences

BA Community Development (Hons)

ASC/2016/10.3 Periodic Subject Review Reports 

ASC noted that the following full reports were approved by the Convener of ASC and the Clerk of Senate under Summer Powers, following scrutiny in each case by two members of the Committee. The Convener recorded his thanks to the reviewers whose involvement had enabled a large number of reports to be approved over the summer period:

Dental School

English Language

English Literature

School of Interdisciplinary Studies

School of Mathematics & Statistics

Scottish Literature

The following minor correction in the English Literature report was noted:

3.1.7 It was noted from the SER that the Subject had a (high) low staff:student ratio compared to comparable subject areas in other Russell Group institutions, though the Panel saw no evidence that this was adversely affecting the student experience.

ASC/2016/10.4 Validation of New Programme at Edinburgh Theological Seminary 

ASC noted that the following programme was approved under Summer Powers to run from session 2016-17 for six years:

Bachelor of Theology (BTh) (by Distance Learning)

ASC/2016/11 Date of Next Meeting 

The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 25 November 2016 at 9.30am in the Gilbert Scott Conference Suite 250


Clerk's Post Meeting Note

Members have been allocated the following roles:

Programme Approval Group (ASC/2016/3.2) College

Dr Charlotte Methuen

Dr Bryony Randall

Dr Helen Stoddart


Professor Neil Evans

Dr Maria Jackson

Dr Niall MacFarlane

Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences

Dr Gordon Curry

Professor Douglas MacGregor

Dr Margaret Martin

Science & Engineering 

Dr Raymond McCluskey

Dr Anna Morgan-Thomas

Social Sciences


Validated Institutions Scrutiny (ASC/2016/3.3) College 
Dr Anna O'Neill   Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences
Ms Joanne Ramsey Social Sciences


Created by: Mrs Ruth Cole