University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 27 May 2011 at 9:30 AM in the Melville Room

Ms Helen Butcher
Clerk to the Committee



Starring Items

This agenda will operate with a system of starred items. Only items highlighted with a (*) will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any unstarred items are included in the Committee's discussion. 


1. Apologies 


2. *Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 20 April 2011 (ASC 10/61) 


3. Matters Arising 


3.1 *Programme ELIR Action Plan: Exam Board Discretion Report on SLWG (ASC/2010/44.2) 

To note that Senate deferred consideration of proposals regarding the narrowing of discretionary bands for Honours classification and the associated guidance for Boards of Examiners. This issue will be considered by Senate in June. 

3.2 Report from Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee – 30 March 2011 (ASC/2010/47) 

To note that EdPSC approved ASC's proposal to narrow the discretionary bands for PGT awards and the principles for associated guidance for Boards of Examiners. This issue will be considered by Senate in June along with the proposals regarding discretionary bands for Honours classification referred to in 3.1 above. 

3.3 Monitoring of Degree Classification Data (ASC/2010/49) 

To note that the degree classification data under the heading Dentistry related to the BSc in Dental Science - however the percentages were incorrect as these had been calculated by including the BDS cohort where no Honours classification is awarded. 

4. *Convener's Business 


Section A: Items for Discussion 


5. *Annual Monitoring in Session 2009-10 – Overview Report from the Quality Officers Forum (ASC 10/62) 


6. *Annual Report on External Examiners’ Reports - Session 2009-10 (ASC 10/63) 


7. *Report from Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee – 13 May 2011 (ASC 10/64) 


8. *Code of Assessment: Arrangements for Visiting/Exchange Students (ASC 10/65) 


9. *Programme Approval 


9.1 Report from Programme Approval Group: College of Social Sciences (ASC 10/66) 


9.2 Follow-up Reports from Programme Approval Groups 

9.2.1 College of Arts (ASC 10/67)

9.2.2 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC 10/68)

9.2.3 College of Science & Engineering (ASC 10/69)

9.3 Review of Programme Approval during 2010-11: Report of Meeting of College Deans of Learning &Teaching and PAG Conveners – 13 May 2011 (ASC 10/70) 


10. *Report from Meeting of Programme & Course Approval Working Group - 5 May 2011 (ASC 10/71) 


11. *Periodic Subject Review (formerly DPTLA Review) 


11.1 Full Review Reports - 2011 

11.1.1 Central & East European Studies (ASC 10/72)

11.1.2 Music (ASC 10/73)

11.1.3 School of Chemistry (Progress Review Visit) (ASC 10/74)

11.1.4 School of Psychology (ASC 10/75)

11.2 12-Month Update Reports 

11.2.1 Accounting & Finance (ASC 10/76)

11.2.2 Civil Engineering (ASC 10/77)

11.2.3 Dental School (ASC 10/78)

11.2.4 Dumfries (ASC 10/79)

11.2.5 HATII (ASC 10/80)

11.2.6 History of Art (ASC 10/81)

11.2.7 Statistics (ASC 10/82)

11.2.8 Urban Studies (ASC 10/83)

11.3 Update Report 

11.3.1 Economics (ASC 10/84)


Section B: Items for Formal Approval 


12. Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art 


12.1 Report of the Meeting of the Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art - 3 March 2011 (ASC 10/85) 


12.2 Update on Re/validations 2009/10 (ASC 10/86) 


12.3 Report on Re/validations 2010/11 (ASC 10/87) 


12.4 Report on Statements of Intent for 2011/12 (ASC 10/88) 


Section C: Items for Noting or Information 


13. Dates for Next Session (ASC 10/89) 


14. Any Other Business 


15. Date of Next Meeting 

The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 7 October 2011 at 9.30am in the Melville Room


Created by: Ms Helen Butcher