ASC 10/74

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 27 May 2011

Periodic Subject Review: Update Report for School of Chemistry - Progress Review Visit held on Wednesday 23 February 2011

Cover Sheet

Ms Fiona Dick, Clerk to the Review Panel

Brief description of the paper 

A report on responses to the recommendations arising from the Report of the Review of Departmental Programmes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment of the Department of Chemistry held on 10 and 11 March 2009 was forwarded to Academic Standards Committee (ASC) at its meeting on 8 October 2010 (Appendix 1). It was noted that the report had been considered by the Convener of the Review Panel, who had encouraged the new Head of School to progress the open issues: recommendations 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10 below and detailed in Appendix 2, by the time of the return visit on 23 February 2011.

  • Recommendation 3 - The Review Panel recommends that the Department clarify the remit of the Teaching Committee to include: the development and implementation of a Teaching Development Strategy for the next 5 years; reviews of the curricula and sustainability of courses; progression issues; the development of PGT courses; and consideration of the effectiveness and attractiveness of the full range of programmes on offer. Any curriculum review should be conducted with reference to guidance and advice from University Services, such as the Learning & Teaching Centre and the Equality & Diversity Unit.
  • Recommendation 4: The Panel recommends the Department should continue to review its strategies for enhancing progression through the levels, to deliver streamlined courses in a coherent way, with guidance from Academic Development Unit of the Learning & Teaching Centre and cognisance of other HEI’s approaches.
  • Recommendation 5: The Review Panel recommends that the Dean and Head of Department should take time to explain to staff how Departmental innovation can be incentivised through investment and if necessary take up the issue with the Vice Principal (Strategy & Resources).
  • Recommendation 9: The Review Panel recommends that the Department continue its plan to review assessment feedback processes and to improve the timescales for and quality of the feedback provided to students. The Department should seek the support and guidance of the Learning & Teaching Centre at an early stage of its review.
  • Recommendation 10: The Review Panel recommends that the Department liaises with the Learning & Teaching Centre to identify good practice from other Departments to improve the preparation it gives students for non-traditional assignments.

The Review Panel visited the School of Chemistry on 23 February 2011 and were satisfied that the open issues detailed above had been addressed.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to:

  1. approve the Update Report from the progress review visit to the School of Chemistry on 23 February 2011;
  2. note the Review Panel were satisfied that recommendations 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10 detailed above had been addressed and therefore no further action by ASC was recommended.
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Not applicable.

Resource implications 

Not applicable.

Timescale for Implementation 

Not applicable.

Equality implications 

No specific implications identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson