ASC 10/88
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 27 May 2011
The Glasgow School of Art: Report on Statements of Intent for 2011/12
Cover Sheet
Geraldine Perriam, Senate Office
The attached paper provides a summary of the Statements of Intent for new provision at GSA which will be considered at the June meeting of GSA's Academic Council. If approved, the intention will be to validate the programmes in session 2011-2012.
The ASC is asked to note that GSA is currently addressing the issue of aligning Quality Assurance processes so that approval and validation events are more in step with the University's schedule - Statements of Intent should be submitted to the University for consideration in the academic session prior to the re/validation event(s). A meeting will be taking place in the summer between the Senate Office and Academic and Student Services at GSA to discuss this further.
ASC is asked to note the proposed new programmes and approve the proposal that, on this occasion, the Clerk of Senate and Convener of ASC be permitted to consider the Statements of Intent under summer powers. The outcome will be reported to ASC in October 2011.