University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Wednesday 18 April 2012 at 9:00 AM in the Melville Room

Ms Helen Butcher
Clerk to the Committee



Starring Items

This agenda will operate with a system of starred items. Only items highlighted with a (*) will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any unstarred items are included in the Committee's discussion. 


1. Apologies 


2. *Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 17 February 2012 (ASC 11/57) 


3. Matters Arising 


3.1 Report from Meeting of Programme & Course Approval Working Group – 24 November 2011 (ASC/2011/37) 

Information on the review of procedures for improving evidence of College consideration of consultations in programme proposals will be submitted to ASC at a future meeting. 

3.2 Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee – 2 February 2012 (ASC/2011/38) 

EdPSC approved the following proposals from ASC: i) principles for the assessment of visiting students; ii) no change to the zones of discretion for Honours classifications or PGT awards. EdPSC also strongly emphasised the importance of establishing Guidelines on the Exercise of Discretion. 

4. *Convener's Business 


5. *College Annual Monitoring Summaries 


5.1 College of Arts (ASC 11/58) 


5.2 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC 11/59) 


5.3 College of Science & Engineering (ASC 11/60) 


5.4 College of Social Sciences (ASC 11/61) 


6. Quality Officers Forum - Remit and Composition 2011-12 (ASC 11/62) 


7. Programme Approval 


7.1 *Reports from Semester 2 Programme Approval Groups 

7.1.1 College of Arts (ASC 11/63)

7.1.2 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC 11/64)

7.1.3 College of Science & Engineering (ASC 11/65)

7.1.4 College of Social Sciences (ASC 11/66)

7.2 *Review of Student Representation on Programme Approval Groups 


7.3 Fast Track Arrangements – Summer 2012 (ASC 11/67) 


8. *Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee - 26 March 2012 (ASC 11/68) 


9. *Joint Board Reporting (Degrees delivered jointly with external institutions) (ASC 11/69) 


10. Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art 


10.1 Report of the Meeting of the Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art – 19 January 2012 (ASC 11/70) 


10.2 Report on Validations – 2011/12 (ASC 11/71) 


10.3 Re-alignment of Periodic Review (ASC 11/72) 


11. Any Other Business 


11.1 Reserved Business 


12. Date of Next Meeting 

 The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 25 May 2012 at 9.30am in the Melville Room.


Created by: Ms Helen Butcher