ASC 11/58
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Wednesday 18 April 2012
College Annual Monitoring Summaries: College of Arts
Cover Sheet
Dr David Bain, College Quality Officer
Brief description of the paper
The paper contains a summary of the under- and postgraduate annual monitoring reports from the College of Arts.
Action Requested
ASC is asked to consider the issues raised in the report.
The College of Arts would particularly like to highlight the following:
- The Standard Student Feedback Questionnaire is much less useful than it might be for teachers and those responsible for monitoring and improving quality of teaching and learning provision
- SSLCs remain located principally at Subject level and appear to be working well
- Restructuring added an extra layer to quality monitoring processes, at School or Subject-level scrutiny, which enables more use to be made of the detailed information that Subjects provide
- Good practice identified such as student-led vocabulary glossaries in SMLC and student-developed wikis in School of Humanities.