ASC 11/61

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Wednesday 18 April 2012

College Annual Monitoring Summaries: College of Social Sciences

Cover Sheet

Professor Tom Guthrie, Dean (Learning &Teaching)

Brief description of the paper 

The paper contains a summary of the under- and postgraduate annual monitoring reports from the College of Social Sciences.

Action Requested 

The committee is asked to consider the issues raised in the report. The College of Social Sciences would particularly like ASC to:

  • note and, if appropriate, consider how the good practice identified in 4.1 could be disseminated;
  • consider the timing of December exam diet (4.2 (b) item 16) and credit-value of dissertations (4.2 (b) item 17);
  • note and consider the concerns with centrally-owned teaching spaces e.g. absence of large lecture theatres leading to double teaching for large classes, inappropriate rooms allocated for the teaching method, and the other accommodation issues identified in 2.2(b);
  • reflect on the feedback on the ineffectiveness of the standard course feedback questionnaire (2.1.1);
  • consider opportunities to improve effectiveness of annual monitoring processes by ensuring alignment between AMR, SAMS and CAMS and making it an ongoing process and not an annual event.
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Senate Office, University Services, University Committees as appropriate.

Resource implications 

As appropriate.

Timescale for Implementation 

As appropriate.

Equality implications 



Prepared by: Karen Robertson