2. *Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 24 May 2013 (ASC 13/01)
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Periodic Subject Review: Update on Actions identified by ASC from previous PSR Reports (ASC 13/02)
3.2 Supplementary Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee (ARSC) 11 March 2013 (ASC/2012/68)
ARSC will take forward, at its forthcoming meetings, actions to review i) internal translation of year abroad grades and ii) practice/guidance for making Honours assessments for ordinary degree awards. The matter of standard penalties for late submission of coursework for part-time students will also be reviewed.
3.3 Monitoring of UG Degree Classification Data (ASC/2012/69)
Access to HESA statistics to obtain comparative subject data will be progressed and reported back to ASC in due course.
4. *Convener's Business
Section A: Items for Discussion |
5. *Proposal for Introduction of MSc Land & Hydrographic Survey with Work Placement Programme - for consideration of in-principle approval (ASC 13/03)
6. *Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR) Reflective Analysis and Case Studies (ASC 13/04)
7. *Revised Degree for Initial Teacher Education - further proposal for 4th Year exit award(s) (ASC 13/05)
8. *Follow-up Report on External Examiners Reports - Session 2011-12 (ASC 13/06)
9. *Actions Arising from College Annual Monitoring Summaries (Session 2011-12) (ASC 13/07)
10. *Guidance on Discretion: Review of Initial Implementation (ASC 13/08)
11. *Periodic Subject Review
11.1 Summary Reports
11.1.1 2012-13: Summary of Recommendations (ASC 13/09)
11.1.2 2012-13: Summary of Good Practice / Key Strengths (ASC 13/10)
11.2 Outstanding Reports from 2012-13
11.1.1 Open Studies - To be submitted to ASC in November
12. *Development of Good Cause Claims in MyCampus (ASC 13/11)
Section B: Items for Formal Approval |
13. Remit, Composition and Membership 2013-14
14. Programme Approval Groups - Membership and Dates for 2013-14 (ASC 13/14)
15. *The Glasgow School of Art: Statement of Intent Approval - MFA Global Product Strategies (ASC 13/15)
16. Report from the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Free Church College (ASC 13/16)
17. Report from the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Christie's Education (ASC 13/17)
Section C: Items for Noting or Information |
18. The Glasgow School of Art: Policy Amendments Approved by Academic Council - 2012-13 (ASC 13/18)
19. Report on Items Approved under Summer Powers (ASC 13/19)
20. Report on New Courses and Course Amendments Approved by Schools during 2012-13 (ASC 13/20)
22. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 15 November 2013 at 9.30am in the Melville Room.