ASC 13/07
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 4 October 2013
Actions Arising from College Annual Monitoring Summaries (Session 2011-12)
Cover Sheet
Clare Barnes, Senate Office
The report provides a summary of responses received to date on matters which were identified for the attention of the University in the College Annual Monitoring Summaries (Session 2011-12) presented to ASC in 2013. Updates have been sought from University Services, and School and College Quality Officers.
A substantial number of issues raised in annual monitoring relate to accommodation at IT Services. The Teaching Infrastructure Group established in 2010 to develop strategy for investment in teaching space also reviewed maintenance and reporting mechanisms resulting in new on-line estates and buildings/audio visual IT Services fault reporting pages. It was highlighted in the responses that accommodation and IT Services related issues should be reported through this mechanism for effective and timely action to address the issues of concern. Teaching spaces now include PCs in order for faults to be reported as and when discovered.