ASC 13/05

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 4 October 2013

Revised Degree for Initial Teach Education – further proposal for 4th Year exit award(s)

Cover Sheet

Helen Butcher, Clerk to the Committee

Brief description of the paper 

Following approval in-principle of the proposed five year MEduc with Teaching Education by ASC in April, and EdPSC in May 2013, the School of Education is seeking a revised approach to the exit award at the end of Year 4.

The structure previously agreed by ASC and EdPSC was:

  Degree Credit Structure Exit Points for Students
Year 1 120 credits at Level 7  
Year 2

80 credits at Level 8

40 credits at Level 9

Year 3

90 credits at Level 9

30 credits at Level 10

Exit with Ordinary Degree

Exit to Hons Degree without Teaching Qualification

Year 4

90 credits at Level 11

30 credits at Level 10

Exit with Masters Diploma in Education with Teaching Qualification
Year 5 120 credits at Level 11 Flexible timeframe over a 5-year period where remaining Master credits can be completed to Masters Degree

The new proposal is that students who successfully complete Year 4 with Teaching Qualification choose to accept one of the two following awards:

Masters Diploma in Education with Teaching Qualification


MA Honours in Education with Teaching Qualification

Accepting the latter award would allow entry to teaching, but would preclude graduates from progress to the fifth and final year of the MEduc.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is invited to consider for recommendation to EdPSC the revised award structure for the fourth year of the proposed MEduc programme.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Following consideration of this final matter by ASC and EdPSC, the in-principle proposal will be forwarded to Senate. This will be co-ordinated by the Senate Office in consultation with the School of Education.

Resource implications 

To be covered by the School of Education.

Timescale for Implementation 

Following successful approval through the programme approval process it is anticipated that the first intake for the MEduc will be in September 2014.

Equality implications 

None identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson