ASC 13/11
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 4 October 2013
Development of Good Cause Claims in MyCampus
Cover Sheet
Helen Butcher, Senate Office
Brief description of the paper
An outline of proposals and benefits for the development MyCampus to be used as the sole mechanism for students to submit Good Cause claims for assessments which have been affected by adverse circumstances.
Action Requested
ASC is invited to consider for approval the following for students to submit Good Cause claims via MyCampus:
- Development of a landing page from which students select to input Absence or Good Cause claims - with an explanation of the two processes.
- All Good Cause claims to be notified in My Campus (even if in particularly sensitive cases, the details of the adverse circumstances are not loaded onto the system).
- Assessment Officers and course administrators to be notified of all Good Cause claims for their courses in order for claims to be considered through due process and submitted to Examination Boards.
- Details of Good Cause claims to be restricted to Assessment Officers and course administrators.
- All Good Cause claims to remain on the system as a permanent record.
- A pilot of the new system in selected Schools or subject areas.