ASC 13/15

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 4 October 2013

The Glasgow School of Art: Statement of Intent for a proposed MFA in Global Product Strategies

Cover Sheet

Geraldine Perriam, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

The attached paper is a Statement of Intent for a proposed Master of Fine Art (MFA) in Global Product Strategies. The proposed programme, if approved, would become an award of the University.

Action Requested 

The Committee is invited to approve the proposed programme for development as a programme document to go forward for validation as an award of the University offered by the Glasgow School of Art.

The Committee is invited to note that the duration of the proposed programme is 24 months.

The Committee is further invited to note that the proposed programme involves input from external institutions, as outlined in section 19 of the document regarding academic exchange and joint projects. The Committee’s view is sought on this proposal for the collaborative aspect of the programme. Further clarity on the nature of collaborative provision, and the management of the operation of this aspect of the student experience, may need to be sought at the validation stage.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Senate Office; The Glasgow School of Art.

Resource implications 

No resource implications have been identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

If approved, the Statement of Intent would be developed as a programme document to go forward for approval at the Glasgow School of Art and subsequently at the University, prior to the May meeting of the Academic Standards Committee.

Equality implications 

The Glasgow School of Art has an established equality policy in place.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson