2. *Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 18 April 2012 (ASC 11/73)
3. Matters Arising
3.1 College Annual Monitoring Summaries (ASC/2011/52)
The items identified for attention within each College report are being collated for dissemination to appropriate officers. Responses will be submitted to the next meeting of ASC.
3.2 Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee - 26 March 2012 (ASC/2011/55)
EdPSC agreed the proposals from ARSC regarding the Guidelines on Discretion, with the additional provision that exit velocity could be adopted as a further criteria in the exercise of discretion.
4. *Convener's Business
Section A: Items for Discussion |
5. *Report on the External Examiners' Reports for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes/Courses for Session 2010-11 (ASC 11/74)
6. *Academic Regulations
6.1 Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee - 11 May 2012 (ASC 11/75)
6.2 Code of Assessment: Amendments for 2012-13 (ASC 11/76)
7. Programme Approval Business
7.1 Follow-up Reports from Programme Approval Groups
7.1.1 College of Arts (ASC 11/77)
*7.1.2 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC 11/78)
7.1.3 College of Science & Engineering (ASC 11/79)
*7.1.4 College of Social Sciences (ASC 11/80)
7.2 Update Report from Programme & Course Approval Working Group (ASC 11/81)
8. *Timetable for Annual Monitoring Process (ASC 11/82)
9. *Periodic Subject Review (formerly DPTLA Review)
9.2 12-Month Update Reports
9.2.1 Central & East European Studies (ASC 11/88)
9.2.2 Music (ASC 11/89)
9.2.3 School of Chemistry (ASC 11/90 - item added in error)
9.2.4 School of Psychology (ASC 11/91)
10. *Termination of an Academic Collaboration (ASC 11/92)
Section B: Items for Formal Approval |
11. Joint Board Reporting (Degrees delivered jointly with external institutions) (ASC 11/93)
12. *Report of the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Christie's Education - 8 February 2012 (ASC 11/94)
13. Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art
13.1 Periodic Review for the School of Fine Art (ASC 11/95)
14. Items Referred from Scottish Agricultural College
14.1 Report of the Meeting of the Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and Scottish Agricultural College - 31 January 2012 (ASC 11/97)
14.2 Validation Report – BSc/BSc (Hons) Garden and Greenspace Design (ASC 11/98)
14.3 Report on the Review and Revalidation of the Programmes in the Agricultural Subject Group – April 2012 (ASC 11/99)
Section C: Items for Noting or Information |
17. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 5 October 2012.