ASC 11/76

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 25 May 2012

Code of Assessment: Amendments for 2012-13

Cover Sheet

Ruth Cole, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

Code of Assessment showing proposed amendments for inclusion in the 2012-13 University Calendar, reflecting changes agreed by ASC during the current session.

Action Requested 

Items for approval

ASC is asked to approve proposed amendments:

  • s. 16.38 b) Requirements for award of MBChB, BDS, BVMS – removal of reference to grade point average and average aggregation score, which are not relevant to the requirements for award on these programmes.
  • s. 16.40 (b): insertion of provision permitting up to 25% of required monitored attendance on courses to be waived where good cause is established. (Courses/programmes may opt out.).
  • s. 16.46 Submission of claims of good cause to be made through MyCampus.
  • s. 16.52 (d) i) and s. 16.53: clarification that in the event of 30-75% of honours assessment being completed (with good cause), where an unclassified degree is not awarded, the candidate may repeat senior honours (rather than being required to repeat junior and senior honours).
  • s. 16.52 (d) ii): insertion of statement that completion of a dissertation is not a requirement for the award of an unclassified honours degree.
  • s. 16.52 (d) iv): clarification of the grades to be returned in the event of incomplete honours assessment due to good cause.
  • s. 16.80 New regulations concerning Assessment of Visiting Students (to follow)
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Senate Office will take forward incorporation of regulatory changes into the University Calendar 2012-13 and the development and dissemination of supporting guidance.

Resource implications 

None known.

Timescale for Implementation 

Publication of 2012-13 Calendar and accompanying guidance in summer 2012.

Equality implications 



Prepared by: Karen Robertson