1. *Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 12 February 2016 (ASC 15/57)
2. *Matters Arising
2.1 Undergraduate College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2014-15: College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC/2015/19.2)
2.2 Proposed Changes to Generic Regulations for Taught Masters Degrees (ASC/2015/33)
3. *Convener's Business
Section A: Items for Discussion |
4. *PGT College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2014-15: College of Arts - Update (ASC 15/58)
5. *Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee held on 4 April 2016 (ASC 15/59)
6. *Periodic Subject Review
6.1 Full Review Reports
6.1.1 Academic Development Unit (ASC 15/60)
6.3 Update Reports
6.3.1 Philosophy (ASC 15/64)
7. *Update on Progress on the Recommendations Arising from the Academic Review of Glasgow International College (GIC) held on 26 March 2015 (ASC 15/65)
8. *Meeting Dates for Session 2016-17
Section B: Items for Formal Approval |
9. *Report from the Joint Board of the University and Christie’s Education held on 20 November 2015 (ASC 15/66)
10. *Report from the Meeting of the Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) held on 8 December 2015 (ASC 15/67)
11. *Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art
11.1 Programme Approval: MSc in Environmental Architecture (ASC 15/68)
11.2 Programme Approval: Additional Named Awards for the MDes Design Innovation Programme (ASC 15/69)
Section C: Items for Noting or Information |
12. Academic Regulations and Their Management (ASC 15/70)
13. Item Referred from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)
13.1 Proposal to Deliver BA Rural Business Management at SRUC’s Ayr Campus (ASC 15/71)
15. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 20 May 2016 at 9.30am in the Melville Room.