University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 14 November 2008 at 9:30 am in the Melville Room

Ms Helen Butcher
Clerk to the Committee

( or ext 3129)

 Revised Agenda

Starring Items

This agenda will operate with a system of starred items. Only items highlighted with a (*) will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any unstarred items are included in the Committee's discussion.

1. Apologies 

*2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 3 October 2008 (ASC 08/25) 

3. Matters Arising 

 3.1 DipHE Requirements for MA Liberal Arts and MA Applied Health & Social Policy (ASC/2008/3.2) 
Colleagues at Dumfries campus have confirmed that from next academic session the above degrees will include a minimum of 80 Level 2 credits in the requirements for the DipHE exit award.

3.2 Review of PGT Generic Regulations (ASC/2008/5) 

The Academic Regulations Sub-Committee met in October to prepare the consultation document for the above review. The consultation was circulated on 4 November 2008 with a response deadline of 19 December 2008.

3.3 Summary of Actions Arising from ASC Scrutiny of DPTLA Reports on 30 May 2008 (ASC/2008/6.1) 

The Clerk of Senate has agreed to take forward a review of policy on GTA Statutory Training.

3.4 Report from the Faculty Quality Assurance and Enhancement Officers on Annual Monitoring for Session 2006-07 (ASC/2008/7)  (ASC 08/26)

 Update paper for noting.

3.5 Moodle and Assessment - Guidance on Summative Assessment (ASC/2008/9)  
EdPSC agreed to ASC's recommendation that the Guidance on Online Quizzes should be disseminated to relevant staff.
*4. Convener's Business


Section A:  Items for Discussion


*5. Approval of Double/Multiple Degrees: Proposed University Policy (ASC 08/27)

*6. Report from Code of Assessment Working Group - Progress on Guide to Code of Assessment (ASC 08/28)

Members are also requested to bring to the meeting the new Guide circulated in an email from Janet Fleming on 3 November 2008.

*7. DPTLA Business 

7.1 Consideration of DPTLA Reports during 2008-09  (ASC 08/29)

*7.2 12 Month Update Report: Sociology, Anthropology & Applied Social Sciences  (ASC 08/30)

*7.3 Update Report: Aerospace Engineering  (ASC 08/31)

*8. Reports from 3 Year Degree Monitoring Boards (ASC 08/32) 

*9Report on Late Course Approvals (ASC 08/33)


Section B:  Items for Formal Approval

10. Report from Faculty Quality Assurance & Enhancement Officers Group (ASC 08/34) 

Section C:  Items for Noting or Information


11. Scottish Agricultural College: Response to Validation / Re-validation Reports for Academic Session 2007-08 (ASC 08/35) 

12. Quality Update (ASC 08/36) 

13Measuring and Recording Student Achievement - Pilot of Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) (ASC 08/37) 

14. Any Other Business 

14.1 Reserved Business   

15. Date of Next Meeting 

The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 20 February 2009 at 9.30am in the Carnegie Room


Created by: Ms Helen Butcher