ASC 08/31
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 14 November 2008
Cover Sheet
Ms Wendy Muir, Senate Office
Brief description of the paper
At its meeting on 19 October 2008, Academic Standards Committee (ASC) received the Report of the Review of Departmental Programmes of Teaching Learning and Assessment of the Department of Aerospace Engineering held on 10 May 2007 . The recommendations within the Report were approved for onward transmission to those identified for action. This report details the responses and the progress made in implementing the recommendations.
The report has been considered by the Convener of the Review Panel who is satisfied that, the Panel’s recommendations have been given appropriate consideration. It is noted that work is ongoing in relation to student retention (Recommendation 1) and a that member of staff has been identified as a champion to promote the further use of Moodle by staff and to liaise with L&T Centre staff (Recommendation 8).
The Convener of the Review Panel recommends that an update be requested after a further 12-month period on:
· Progress in relation to student retention, in view of the fact that system of staff mentors is a new initiative in Session 2008-09 and that Faculty plans for restructuring are still under development
· the use of Moodle, given the introduction of a champion to promote its further use by staff, and that there is currently only some limited use within the department.
ASC is asked to confirm the adequacy of the responses and the progress made. ASC is also asked to consider the need for an update report after a period of 12 months, in relation to:
· Recommendation 1 and progress in relation to student retention
· Recommendation 8 and the use of Moodle
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward
The Senate Office will seek a further update in 12 months time, if this action is agreed
There could be some resource implications in relation to the further development/use of Moodle. The extended use of Moodle could, however, also, result in some efficiencies in the use of resources.