Brief description of the paper

During 2007-2008, a number of Validation and Re-validation reports for SAC programmes were considered by Academic Standards Committee as outlined below. Following consideration of these reports at its meeting on Friday 30th May 2008, the Committee approved the recommendations that the programmes be validated/revalidated as degrees of the University of Glasgow for a five-year period with effect from Session 2008-2009, subject to conditions and recommendations.

The attached paper outlines SAC’s response to the conditions and recommendations set by the Validation Panels.





1 April 2008

Validation of the BA Rural Business Management

3 conditions and 3 recommendations

4 April 2008

Re-validation of the BSc Countryside Management

4 recommendations

14 April 2008

Validation of BA Sports and Recreation Management/BA Sports Coaching Development and BA Outdoor Pursuits Management

4 conditions and 5 recommendations

24 April 2008

Re-validation of BA Rural Recreation and Tourism Management. 


(This programme and the BA programmes in Rural Recreation & Tourism Management (Equine Studies)  and (Heritage Studies) have been replaced by the BA Activity Tourism Management/BA Equine Tourism Management/ BA Food Tourism Management/BA Nature Tourism Management)

6 recommendations

Action Requested

Academic Standards Committee is asked to note the report.

Resource implications

None identified.

Timescale for Implementation

None identified.

Equality implications

None identified.


Prepared by: Karen Roberson