ASC 08/36
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 14 November 2008
Cover Sheet
Dr Jack Aitken and Ms Wendy Muir, Senate Office
Brief description of the paper
This is an update on quality related matters, both internal and external. The last such update was in March 2008. This paper was considered by EdPSC at its meeting on 5 November 2008.
ASC is asked to note:
- In relation to the Guide to the University's Academic Quality Framework, Deans have been asked to raise awareness of the Guide through Faculty Learning & Teaching Committees, Graduate Schools and other relevant fora. Members are asked to raise awareness.
- It is strongly recommended that ASC members familiarise themselves with the preparations for and briefing on ELIR 2.
- Members are also asked to note:
- the very good progress that has been made in the update on the actions from the ELIR review (April 2004);
- that the annual engagement with the QAA will take place on 12 November 2008;
- the development of the new Student Voice website; and
- that the Codes of Practice on Student Feedback and Student Representation will shortly be circulated to all research and teaching staff.
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward
The VP (L, T & I) and or the Senate Office are progressing any necessary actions.
Temporary staff requirements in relation to ELIR 2 are being discussed with the Secretary of Court.
Not applicable.
The Director of the Equality and Diversity Unit is a member of the Steering Group and will contribute to the Group's Work.