ASC 08/28
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 14 November 2008
Report from Code of Assessment Working Group - Progress on Guide to Code of Assessment
Mr J Craig, Clerk to the Working Group
Members of the Committee have already received for comment a draft of the new Guide to the Code of Assessment. This has been sent also to members of the Education Policy and Strategy Committee and the Learning and Teaching Committee.
The Guide has been prepared by the Code of Assessment Working Group both on its own initiative and with the express encouragement of this Committee as well as EdPSC and LTC. It is intended that it should replace the existing Guide. Since the Guide had been last updated, regulations governing reassessment, the requirements for the award of credits, incomplete assessment and good cause, and exam durations have been added to the Code and these are therefore included in the new Guide.
The Guide has been entirely restructured around topics, and its order does not exactly mirror that in which the regulations are presented in the Code. This decision was an easier one to take once the Working Group had decided that colleagues should not have to consult both Code and Guide in parallel. Within each section of the Guide, those regulations which the Working Group thought not to require explanation have been allowed to stand alone; the others are supported by commentary and examples.
The Code of Assessment Working Group would welcome comments and suggestions by Friday 21 November if possible.