Brief description of the paper

The Measuring and Recording Student Achievement Steering Group - the 'Burgess Group' - produced a report in 2007. This recommended 'introducing a single document, to be known as a 'Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR), which would be the key vehicle for measuring and recording student achievement'. UUK has announced that a trial of the new approach is being conducted in 18 institutions across the UK; the University of St Andrews is participating in the trial.

According to the UUK press release (

  • 'Initially, the HEAR will be tested on data relating to recently graduated students to ensure that it is compatible with student record systems.'
  • 'It will then be trialled early in 2009 with existing students, alongside current methods of recording student achievement.'

Action Requested

This paper is for information and members are invited to note this development.

Resource implications

None at this stage. There will be resource implications once the HEAR is implemented across the UK.

Timescale for Implementation

2010/2011 is the target for institutions to generate formal HEARs for their students, subject to the success of the trialling.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson