University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 13 November 2015 at 9:30 AM in the Melville Room

Mrs Lesley Fielding
Clerk to the Committee



Starring Items

This agenda will operate with a system of starred items. Only items highlighted with a (*) will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any unstarred items are included in the Committee's discussion. 


1. *Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 2 October 2015 (ASC 15/22) 


2. Matters Arising 


2.1 Update on Translation of Grades from Study Abroad (ASC/2015/2.1) 


2.2 Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee held on 9 September 2015 - Update (ASC 2015/4) 


2.3 Deans of Graduate Studies / Deans of Learning and Teaching - Special Meeting to Discuss Graduate Teaching Assistants - Update (ASC/2015/6) 


3. *Convener's Business 


Section A: Items for Discussion 


4. *Undergraduate College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2014-15 


4.1 College of Arts (ASC 15/23) 


4.2 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC 15/24) 


4.3 College of Science & Engineering (ASC 15/25) 


4.4 College of Social Sciences (ASC 15/26) 


5. *Course and Programme Approval Review: Action Plan (ASC 15/27) 


6. *Periodic Subject Review 


6.1 Reports on PSR to be Received during 2015-16 and Proposed ASC Reviewers (ASC 15/28) 


6.2 Full Review Reports Approved under Summer Powers - Update 


6.3 Update Reports 

5.3.1 Computing Science (ASC 15/29)

5.3.2 Nursing & Healthcare (ASC 15/30)

5.3.3 Open Studies (ASC 15/31)

5.3.4 Politics (ASC 15/32)

5.3.5 Theology & Religious Studies (ASC 15/33) 

7. *Guidelines on the Operation of Discretion by Honours and PGT Exam Boards: Reference to GPA (ASC 15/34) 


8. Strategy for Creating International Experiences for Students (SCIES) (ASC 15/35) 


Section B: Items for Formal Approval 


9. *Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art 


9.1 Programme Proposal for the MSc Environmental Architecture at The Glasgow School of Art (ASC 15/36) 


9.2 Programme Proposal for the MSc Architecture in International Development at The Glasgow School of Art (ASC 15/37) 


Section C: Items for Noting or Information 


10. Proposal from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) Academic Board Meeting of 24 September 2015 Concerning a Title Change to the BSc Green Technology Programme (ASC 15/38) 


11. Report on Accreditation by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies – Session 2014-15 (ASC 15/39) 


12. *The Glasgow School of Art - Complaint about the MSc International Heritage Visualisation (ASC 15/40 - Reserved Business) 

This item is reserved to members of the committee.

13. Any Other Business 


14. Date of Next Meeting 

The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 12 February 2016 at 9.30am in the Melville Room


Created by: Mrs Lesley Fielding