ASC 15/35

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 13 November 2015

Strategy for Creating International Experiences for Students (SCIES)

Cover Sheet

Professor Jim Murdoch, International Dean for Mobility

Brief description of the paper 

The attached paper outlines an implementation plan for the University's SCIES strategy. This has been developed in consultation with mobility coordinators, a student focus group, and MaRIO. It draws upon (but develops) leading practice in other institutions, both within the EU and overseas.

In short, its aims are (a) to provide every student with a meaningful 'international experience'; and (b) to increase outward student mobility to meet the University's KPI of 20% outward mobility as part of the University's Internationalisation Strategy. The paper also includes a draft definition of international student mobility which may be subject to some further minor amendment before it is finalised.

Action Requested 

ASC is asked to consider the following matters which relate to regulatory development in particular and to provide comment for Education Policy and Strategy Committee (EdPSC):

  1. The draft definition of student mobility as set out on the separate paper attached to the SCIES.
  2. The recommendation that where student mobility activity is credit rated, University regulations should permit students to undertake at least up to a minimum of 20 credits from student mobility activity which can be counted towards their undergraduate degree programme.

In relation to 2 above, ASC is asked to consider ways in which this could be implemented in degree structures, for example by allowing Subjects to 'opt-in' and therefore identify student mobility activity which could be included in their curricula. Conversely, Subjects could be required to 'opt out' where they could not identify capacity for 20 credits of existing provision to be replaced by student mobility activity. Subjects could also specify levels of study where student mobility could be incorporated into their programme structures, and also identify where they would be willing for student mobility activity to be taken in addition to the 360/480 credits of the standard programme.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

The Senate Office will forward ASC's views to EdPSC through usual reporting structures.

Resource implications 

Not identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

To be confirmed. The earliest regulatory change could be introduced in 2016-17.

Equality implications 



Prepared by: Karen Robertson