ASC 15/27

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 13 November 2015

Course & Programme Review – Action Plan

Cover Sheet

Dr Jack Aitken, Director, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

- Action Plan for implementation of review of Course and Programme Approval process (Appendix 1)

- Proposal to re-establish the Programme & Course Approvals Working Group as 'Course & Programme Approval Steering Group' (CPASG) (Appendix 2)

Senate approved the review of the Course and Programme Approval process at its meeting in June. An Action Plan has been developed for the implementation of the associated recommendations (Copy agreed recommendations appended) and the Senate Office has begun taking the plan forward.

One of the areas where change was recommended was the governance of the process. A proposal for the re-establishment of the current Programme and Course Approvals Group is provided.

NB: ASC’s attention is also drawn to the one of the main lines of action following the review - the longer-term consideration of the inclusion of the supporting IT for the approval process within MyCampus. The matter has been signalled the matter to the MyCampus Strategy Board. It is intended to submit a brief proposal to the next meeting of the MyCampus Approvals Group to secure approval in-principle for an in-depth scoping exercise.

Action Requested 

ASC is requested to approve the Action Plan and establishment of the CPASG.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Senate Office Director, ASC.

Resource implications 
  1. Development of revised guidance and training materials, revisions to Specifications, committee remits and memberships, monitoring of process changes.
  2. Amendment of PIP to accommodate recommended process changes.
  3. Consideration of adoption of MyCampus as the support for the approval process.
  4. Depending on 3, substantial adaptation of PIP.
Timescale for Implementation 

Implementation of new process: 2015-2017. Inclusion of approval process IT within MyCampus: not confirmed, but 3-5 years likely if approved.

Equality implications 

None identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson