University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Wednesday 20 April 2011 at 9:30 AM in the Senate Room

Ms Helen Butcher
Clerk to the Committee



Starring Items

This agenda will operate with a system of starred items. Only items highlighted with a (*) will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any unstarred items are included in the Committee's discussion. 


1. Apologies 


2. *Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 18 February 2011 (ASC 10/45) 


3. Matters Arising 


3.1 QAA Consultation on the Future of the Academic Infrastructure (ASC/2010/32) (ASC 10/46) 


3.2 ELIR Action Plan: Exam Board Discretion – Report from Short-Life Working Group (ASC/2010/33.1) 

EdPSC approved the proposals submitted from ASC on discretionary bands; criteria for exercising discretion; and Honours Examinations Boards.

Clarification on the role of External Examiner in adjudication has been issued to staff. 

3.3 Assessment Issues Arising from the Student Lifecycle Project Board (ASC 2010/34) 

The Programme & Course Approval Working Group will report to ASC in May on its action in relation to Proposal 3: development of an opt-out process for coursework reassessment in teh course approval system. 

3.4 Periodic Subject Review – Update Report: Classics (ASC 2010/37.1) 

ASC is asked to note that Estates & Buildings have now met with the Head of College to discuss Classics accommodation. The Head of College agreed to take forward discussion within the College to establish and formally advise E&B on Classics space requirements. Further to this E&B will respond to the College's request for additional space.

4. *Convener's Business 


Section A: Items for Discussion 


5. Programme Approval 


5.1 Reports from Programme Approval Groups 

*5.1.1 College of Arts (ASC 10/47)

*5.1.2 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC 10/48)

*5.1.3 College of Science & Engineering (ASC 10/49)

5.1.4 College of Social Sciences

The Social Sciences Programme Approval Group was due to meet on 24 March but was postponed as a result of industrial action. All proposals will be discussed at the PAG scheduled for Monday 9 May which was previously arranged to discuss the Business School proposals.

5.2 Fast Track Arrangements – Summer 2011 (ASC 10/50) 


6. *Report from Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee – 30 March 2011 (ASC 10/51) 


7. *Framework for Academic Collaborations and Proposed Changes to Policies/Procedures (ASC 10/52) 


8. *Monitoring of Degree Classification Data (ASC 10/53) 


9. *Periodic Subject Review (formerly DPTLA Review) - Update Report: Mechanical Engineering (ASC 10/54) 


10. *Annual Monitoring of Collaborative Provision - Joint Degrees (ASC 10/55) 


Section B: Items for Formal Approval 


11. Report of the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Christie’s Education – 10 February 2011 (ASC 10/56) 


12. Report of the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Free Church of Scotland College – 12 January 2011 (ASC 10/57) 


Section C: Items for Noting or Information 


13. Report from Scottish Agricultural College - Response to Conditions and Recommendations for Validation (ASC 10/58) 


14. Report from the University of Glasgow/Glasgow International College Joint Academic Management Board (ASC 10/59) 


15. Report on Accreditation by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies - Sessions 2008-09 and 2009-10 (ASC 10/60) 


16. Any Other Business 


16.1 Reserved Business 


17. Date of Next Meeting 

The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 27 May 2011 at 9.30am in the Melville Room


Created by: Ms Helen Butcher