ASC 10/55

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Wednesday 20 April 2011

Annual Monitoring of Collaborative Provision – Joint Degrees

Cover Sheet

Geraldine Perriam, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

The information in the papers accompanying this item is confidential information of the University of Glasgow. The information must not be released in response to any request without first seeking advice from the DP/FoI Office.

Attached are four of the eight remaining outstanding annual reports from the University's Joint Programmes for 2009-10.

It was agreed at the meeting of the Academic Standards Committee on 18 February, 2011 that clearer guidance on the structure and content of the annual monitoring reports from Joint Boards should be developed. The Senate Office has recently reviewed the processes for reporting on joint programmes in the context of the new Framework for Academic Collaborations - please refer to paper 10/52, section f, item iv. Paper 10/52 recommends that Colleges submit an annual, composite report for academic collaborative programmes within each College. The adoption of this recommendation would mean that separate reports for Joint Programmes would no longer be required to be submitted to ASC. Under such an arrangement, individual Colleges would be responsible for scrutinising individual reports and submitting a composite report to ASC.

A template for annual reports is currently under development with a view to submission to ASC at the May meeting. The purpose of the template will be to provide a standardised reporting procedure for Joint Programmes.

Action Requested 

To note the recently received, outstanding reports as listed below, as well as the proposed changes to the reporting procedures for joint programmes outlined in paper 10/52, section f, item iv):

MSc Social History

MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice

Master of Social Work

BA Social Work

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Senate Office and Colleges.

Resource implications 

No additional resource implications identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

Timescale of submission of reports to ASC may be revised.

Equality implications 

None identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson