University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 24 January 2020 at 9:30 AM in Room 250, Gilbert Scott Conference Suite, Main Building

Ms Ruth Cole
Clerk to the Committee


Only items listed under Section A will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any items listed under Section B be included in the Committee's discussion.


1. Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 22 November 2019 (ASC 19/43) 


2. Matters Arising 


2.1 Responses to Issues Raised in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate College Annual Monitoring Summaries 2017-18 (ASC/2019/17.1) 


2.2 Discussion Paper: Proposal to Review (a) the Operation of Discretion in the Award of Honours and Masters Degree Classifications and (b) the Operation of Rounding in the Calculation of Programme Grade Point Average (ASC/2019/20) 


2.3 Reports on PSR to be Received during 2019-20 and Proposed ASC Reviewers (ASC/2019/21.1) 


2.4 Report on Accreditation by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies - Session 2018-19 (ASC/2019/24) 


3. Convener's Business 


Section A: Items for Discussion


4. Update on PGT Dissertation Marking Practices within ASBS (ASC/2018/45) (ASC 19/44) 


5. Annual Monitoring 


5.1 Actions for Annual Monitoring for Session 2019-20 (ASC 19/45) 


5.2 PGT College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2018-19 

5.2.1 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC 19/46)

5.2.2 College of Social Sciences (ASC 19/47)

5.2.3 Summary (ASC 19/48)

6. Annual Report on Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports - Session 2018-19 (ASC 19/49) 


Section B: Items for Noting or Information


7. Item Referred from The Glasgow School of Art 


7.1 Periodic Review of Postgraduate Research held on 6 September 2018 - Final Update on Recommendations (ASC 19/50) 


8. Item Referred from Scotland’s Rural College 


8.1 Update Report: Meeting of the Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and Scotland’s Rural College held on 23 November 2018: Gender Imbalance and Widening Participation (ASC 19/51) 


9. Any Other Business 


9.1 Discussion Paper on Possible Changes to the Requirement for Submission of Good Cause Circumstances and Supporting Documentary Evidence (ASC 19/52) 


10. Date of Next Meeting 

The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 20 March 2020 at 9.30am in the Senate Room, Main Building.


Created by: Ms Ruth Cole