ASC 19/48
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 24 January 2020
Summary of Postgraduate College Annual Monitoring Summaries 2018-19
Cover Sheet
Mrs Lesley Fielding, Senate Office
The Postgraduate Annual Monitoring Summaries for the Colleges of Social Sciences and Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences were submitted to the Senate Office two weeks in advance of the January meeting of ASC. The College summaries have been reviewed by the Senate Office in order to identify any common themes. ASC is asked to note that the Annual Monitoring Summary for the College of Arts was not available, and the College of Social Sciences Annual Monitoring Summary is incomplete as the Adam Smith Business School Annual Monitoring Summary was not available.
The main themes are presented in the attached paper along with some indicative examples of the comments made. The same has been done with good practice identified in the College Summaries.
Following its consideration of the College Annual Monitoring Summaries, ASC is asked to confirm that the themes identified are an accurate reflection of the issues raised by the Colleges. The Senate Office will then seek updates and responses from the relevant sources to these University-wide matters.