ASC 19/50
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 24 January 2020
Cover Sheet
Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art
At the meeting of Academic Standards Committee (ASC) held in May 2019, the committee considered the report and action plan of The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) Periodic Review of Postgraduate Research held on 6 September 2018. It was noted that the various matters referred to in the action plan would be monitored by relevant committees at GSA during session 2019-20.
It was noted that the following points in the report were not reflected in the recommendations and action plan, and ASC requested that GSA provide an indication of how progress on these matters would be monitored:
- Point 2.4: Training and development available for PhD supervision had been found to be not fit for purpose;
- Point 3.4: This referred to a new Code of Practice for Supervisors that was ‘in the pipeline’; and
- Point 3.5: This recorded the intention to introduce supervisory training sessions for all new supervisors.
GSA submitted an update on progress against these matters to the November 2019 meeting of ASC and advised that a final update would be provided to the January 2020 meeting. The further action taken by GSA to address the above points is outlined in the attached paper (section headed up ‘Response to Further Feedback from University of Glasgow Academic Standards Committee’). It is considered that all necessary actions arising out of the GSA Periodic Review of Postgraduate Research are now complete or (in the case of point 3.4) in progress.