University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 5 October 2018 at 9:30 AM in the Melville Room

Ms Ruth Cole
Clerk to the Committee


 Only items listed under Sections A and B will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any items listed under Section C be included in the Committee's discussion.


1. Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 25 May 2018 (ASC 18/01) 


2. Matters Arising (ASC 18/02) 


2.1 Progress Report on Issues Relating to GTAs (ASC/2017/16.9) 


2.2 Responses to Issues Raised in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate College Annual Monitoring Summaries 2016-17 (ASC/2017/46) 


2.3 Report on the External Examiners Reports for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes/Courses for Session 2016-17 (ASC/2017/48) 


3. Convener's Business 


Section A: Items for Discussion


4. Annual Monitoring Process Review 

The review of annual monitoring has been overtaken by plans for a project associated with the Evidence-led Enhancement Theme. Funding from the enhancement theme will enable us to base our recommendations for changing the process on thorough research. The funding will be used to employ two interns to conduct interviews with key stakeholders in annual monitoring, Heads of School, Learning & Teaching Conveners, Quality Officers, etc., to gather views on how annual monitoring could be more useful and integrated with other activity. The material gathered will be analysed and, alongside a review of similar processes across the sector, will inform proposals which will be submitted to ASC by May 2019. The recruitment process for the interns has been initiated and will be progressed as quickly as possible. 

5. Periodic Subject Review 


5.1 Summary of Outcomes: 2017-18 (ASC 18/03) 


5.2 Full Review Reports 2017-18 

5.2.1 Short Courses (ASC 18/04)

5.2.2 School of Modern Languages & Cultures

The Review of SMLC was postponed due to the inclement weather in spring 2018. The Review was rearranged and took place in May 2018. The report was scheduled to have been approved under Summer Powers but the drafting and confirmation process was delayed due to conflicts with summer leave and other work that had not been accounted for in the original timescales.

5.3 Update Reports 2016-17 

5.3.1 Accounting & Finance (ASC 18/05)

5.3.2 Music (ASC 18/06)

5.3.3 Psychology (ASC 18/07)

6. Programme Approval 


6.1 Feedback from College Deans of Learning & Teaching/College Boards of Studies on the Revised Programme & Course Approval Processes (ASC 18/08) 


6.2 Audit Report on Programme Approval Activity undertaken by Colleges (ASC 18/09) 


6.3 Report on Programme Approval 2017-18 (ASC 18/10) 


7. QAA Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ASC 18/11) 


8. GSA: Current Situation Following Fire in June 2018 – Oral Report 


Section B: Items for Formal Approval


9. Remit, Composition and Membership 2018-19 


9.1 Remit and Composition (ASC 18/12) 


9.2 Membership (ASC 18/13) 


10. Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art 


10.1 Programme Proposal: MDes Silversmithing & Jewellery (ASC 18/14) 


10.2 Programme Proposal: MLitt Design Intersections (ASC 18/15) 


10.3 Programme Approval (Validation) Process for The Glasgow School of Art: Update (ASC 18/16) 


Section C: Items for Noting or Information


11. Report on Items Approved under Summer Powers (ASC 18/17) 


12. Any Other Business 


13. Date of Next Meeting 

The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 23 November 2018 at 9.30am in the Melville Room, Main Building.


Created by: Ms Ruth Cole