University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 26 January 2018 at 9:30 AM in the Melville Room

Ms Ruth Cole
Clerk to the Committee


Only items listed under Sections A and B will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any items listed under Section C be included in the Committee's discussion. 


1. Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 24 November 2017 (ASC 17/46) 


2. Matters Arising 


2.1 Interim Responses to College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2015-16 (ASC/2017/16.2) 


2.2 Additional Time/Related Arrangements for Students with Disabilities for Short Examinations/Class test (ASC/2017/16.3) 


2.3 Undergraduate College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2016-17: Overview (ASC/2017/19.5) (ASC 17/47) 


2.4 Periodic Subject Review: English Language & Linguistics (ASC/2017/20.2.2) 


2.5 Update on Progress to Recommendations Arising from the Review of Programmes in the Horticultural and Landscape Subject Group held on 15 and 16 February 2017 (ASC 2017/22.1) 


3. Convener's Business 


Section A: Items for Discussion 


4. PGT College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2016-17 


4.1 College of Arts (ASC 17/48) 


4.2 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (ASC 17/49 - to follow) 


4.3 College of Science & Engineering (ASC 17/50) 


4.4 College of Social Sciences (ASC 17/51) 


4.5 Overview (ASC 17/52) 


5. Periodic Subject Review 


5.1 Update Reports 

5.1.1 Academic Development Unit (ASC 17/53)

5.1.2 English Literature

5.1.3 Mathematics & Statistics 

6. Two Issues Concerning PGT Dissertations in the Adam Smith Business School (ASC 17/54) 


Section B: Items for Approval 


7. Item Referred from The Glasgow School of Art 


7.1 MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art): Major Programme Amendment (ASC 17/55) 


Section C: Items for Noting or Information 


8. Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art 


8.1 BDes (Hons) Sound for the Moving Image and BSc (Hons) Immersive Systems Design: Update on Response to Programme Approval Recommendations (ASC 17/56) 


8.2 Programme Approval: Master of Education in Learning, Teaching & Supervisory Practice in the Creative Disciplines (ASC/2017/21.2) (ASC 17/57) 


9. Any Other Business 


10. Date of Next Meeting 

 The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 23 March 2018 at 9.30am in the Melville Room, Main Building.


Created by: Ms Ruth Cole