ASC 17/55

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 26 January 2018

Major Programme Amendment Proposal: MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art)

Cover Sheet

Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art

Brief description of the paper 

The enclosed paper is a major programme amendment proposal for the MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) programme which is run jointly between The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) and the University. The proposal was approved by the GSA Academic Council on the recommendation of the GSA Undergraduate and Postgraduate Committee (UPC) at its meeting on 21 November 2017.

GSA states that the ‘principal drivers for the changes to the programme were taken from student feedback and the need within the programme for a better balance between theory and practice.’ The main changes relate to the following aspects of the programme (see enclosed paper for further details):

  • The replacement of the unit Research Methods in Practice (PCUR102, 20 credits, UoG) with the School of Fine Art’s upcoming Research Methods and Methodologies in Practice course (20 credits, GSA);
  • The new credit structure. From 2017-18, all GSA PGT courses are required to be multiples of 20 credits;
  • The adaptation of the learning narrative and teaching methods in the core courses Curatorial Practice 1 (Stage 1 PCUR101) and Curatorial Practice 2 (Stage 2, PCUR201), in order to enable a more productive balance between theory and practice;
  • The review of course descriptors for the units Master’s Project (option 1 – PCUR301, and option 2 – PCUR302) and Dissertation (PCUR303); and
  • Simplifying assessment.
Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to approve the enclosed major programme amendment proposal for the MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art).

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 


Resource implications 

No specific resource implications have been identified for the University, but ASC is asked to note that this programme is run jointly between GSA and the University.

Timescale for Implementation 

Session 2018-19.

Equality implications 

Equality considerations and equality impact assessment are embedded and mainstreamed at GSA.

An Equality Impact Assessment was undertaken for the MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) in August 2015 following the programme’s first introduction in session 2014. GSA advises that the outcome of that assessment has been used to shape aspects of the amendments proposed here.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson