University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee
A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 27 January 2017 at 9:30 AM in the Melville Room
Mrs Ruth Cole
Clerk to the Committee
Starring Items This agenda will operate with a system of starred items. Only items highlighted with a (*) will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any unstarred items are included in the Committee's discussion. |
2. *Matters Arising
2.1 Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee held on 3 November 2016: Single Schedule of Aggregation (ASC/2016/15.1)
2.2 Guidelines on the Exercise of Exam Board Discretion: Use of Different Criteria in Different Discretionary Zones (ASC/2016/16.2)
2.3 Undergraduate College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2015-16: Overview (ASC/2016/7.5)
6. *Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art
6.2 Programme Approval (Update): BSc (Hons) Immersive Systems Design (ASC 16/47)
Section C: Items for Noting or Information |
7. Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art
7.2 Major Programme Amendment Approval (Update): MLitt Fine Art Practice - New Performance Pathway (ASC 16/49)
Created by: Mrs Ruth Cole