ASC 16/46

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 27 January 2017

Programme Approval (Additional Information): BDes (Hons) Sound for the Moving Image at The Glasgow School of Art

Cover Sheet

Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art

Brief description of the paper 

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) at its November 2016 meeting approved the validation of the BDes (Hons) Sound for the Moving Image at the Glasgow School of Art commencing in September 2018, subject to the provision of the following additional information:

  • How the transition of students from FE to Year 3 of the Honours degree was to be managed and what additional support for students was envisaged (the programme was to be delivered on a 2 + 2 model, with entrants joining GSA at the start of Year 3 from FE);
  • Further information regarding the accreditation process and the extent to which this could be pursued before the programme had commenced. (ASC noted that until accreditation had been confirmed, this should be mentioned in the ‘Additional Information’ section of the documentation).

GSA has provided the following two documents which confirm the steps GSA has taken to address the above issues:

  1. Minutes of the meeting of the GSA Undergraduate and Postgraduate Committee (Programme Approval) held on 11 May 2016 (see minutes 1.7, 1.17, 1.20,1.26; and
  2. Additional information from the Head of Postgraduate Programmes, School of Simulation and Visualisation.

Regarding management of the transition process, GSA will provide the following arrangements (amongst others) for FE students entering Year 3:

  • An extended induction event (in the form of a one-week summer school) for all FE students starting with advanced entry at GSA;
  • GSA staff visits to FE providers, and FE student visits to GSA;
  • Provision of specific programmes of Learning Support and Development workshops for FE students (if required);
  • Support for essay writing; and
  • The provision of personal tutors with an additional support role to help FE students adapt to work and study at GSA.

Regarding accreditation arrangements, the Head of Postgraduate Programmes has confirmed that GSA will seek early dialogue with Creative Skillset (one of two accrediting bodies in this area) to ensure that the projects in Studio together with taught content meet the Creative Skillset criteria. GSA has already engaged in an initial contact with Skillset to ensure they are aware of accreditation criteria, but it is noted that application for accreditation is not possible until after the first cohort of students has graduated (this being because Skillset require the institution to have evidence about leaver destinations prior to providing accreditation.

The November 2016 meeting of ASC also noted that while it was correct that there should be no formal pathway offering an exit at the end of Year 3 of the programme, exceptional arrangements could be considered for bona fide Honours degree candidates who were unable to continue with their studies to Year 4. GSA has recognised this point in the minutes of the meeting of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Committee (Programme Approval) held on 11 May 2016 (see minute 1.21).

Action Requested 

ASC is asked to note the above points of clarification which GSA has provided in response to ASC’s request for further information regarding the BDes (Hons) Sound for the Moving Image, and approve the validation of the programme for six years commencing September 2018.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 


Resource implications 

There are no resource implications for the University.

Timescale for Implementation 

The BDes (Hons) Sound for the Moving Image will commence in September 2018.

Equality implications 

The Programme Team will undertake an Equality Impact Assessment of the programme before Term 3 in session 2016-17.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson