ASC 16/47
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 27 January 2017
Programme Approval (Update): BA/BSc (Hons) Immersive Systems Design at The Glasgow School of Art
Cover Sheet
Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art
Academic Standards Committee (ASC) at its November 2016 meeting agreed to approve the introduction of the BA/BSc (Hons) Immersive Systems Design in September 2018 subject to reconsideration of the ILOs, specifically addressing the distinction between the BA and the BSc. ASC also requested clarification regarding the following:
- whether students would be admitted to the BSc or to the BA; and
- the point at which students would be required to finally confirm their pathway.
ASC also queried the use of the term ‘essay’ for one of the BA pathways and noted that this was required to be a substantial piece of independent work.
GSA has decided it will now progress this proposal under the title BSc (Hons) Immersive Systems Design only. All reference to the BA will be removed from programme and course documentation to reflect this amendment. (See attached update from Head of Postgraduate Programmes, School of Simulation and Visualisation). GSA will submit revised documentation which reflects this change to the relevant GSA committees during Term 2 of session 2016/17.
[GSA has also provided the minutes of the GSA Undergraduate and Postgraduate Committee Programme Approval meeting held on 11 May 2016 for information.]
Academic Standards Committee is asked to approve the validation of the BSc (Hons) Immersive Systems Design for a period of six years commencing September 2018.