2. *Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 20 November 2009 (ASC 09/41)
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Item from Academic Regulations Sub-Committee: Report from Meeting of 1 October 2009 (ASC/2009/20.2)
To note that a meeting has been scheduled for 22 February 2010 for dialogue between SLP, MIS and Senate Office on the removal of Schedule C grade points in 2011-12.
4. *Convener's Business
Section A: Items for Discussion |
5. *University Re-structuring - Implications for ASC (ASC 09/42)
6. *Report from Academic Regulations Sub-Committee (ASC 09/43)
7. *Assessment Weighting and Course Credits - Faculty Responses (ASC 09/44)
8. *Monitoring of Degree Classification Data (ASC 09/45)
9. *Internal Subject Review (DPTLA Review)
9.1 Update on Actions Arising from the Summary of Recommendations made at DPTLA Review during 2008-09 (ASC 09/46)
9.2 Update Reports
9.2.1 Aerospace Engineering (ASC 09/47)
9.2.2 Veterinary Medicine (ASC 09/48)
10. *ELIR Outcome - Draft Report
(previously circulated to members)
11. *Joint Programmes - Annual Monitoring Reports (ASC 09/49)
Section B: Items for Formal Approval |
12. Report of the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Christie's Education (ASC 09/50)
13. *Report of the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and the Free Church of Scotland College (ASC 09/51)
14. Report from Scottish Agricultural College and University of Glasgow Liaison Committee (ASC 09/52)
Section C: Items for Noting or Information |
15. Schedules of Validations
15.2 Scottish Agricultural College
See Appendix 3 of paper ASC 09/52 (SAC report)
17. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 23 April 2010 at 9.30am in the Carnegie Room.