ASC 09/53

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 19 February 2010

Schedule of Validations: Glasgow School of Art

Cover Sheet

Ms Rona Miller, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

Following the revised cycle of revalidation to six-yearly, the attached paper provides the schedule of re-validation of all Glasgow School of Art’s Degree Programmes.

The BA (Hons) Design: Ceramics (Part-time) has ceased to recruit and the final student cohort will complete in Session 2012-13. The revalidation event, scheduled for week beginning 26 April 2010, will reflect its status.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is invited to note the schedule of validations for information.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Not applicable.

Resource implications 

Any costs associated with the validations are met by the Glasgow School of Art, as detailed in the Memorandum of Agreement.

Timescale for Implementation 

As detailed in the schedule.

Equality implications 

Equality issues would be considered as part of the validated process.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson, Senate Office