ASC 09/49
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 19 February 2010
Joint Programmes - Annual Monitoring Reports
Cover Sheet
Ms Rona Miller, Senate Office
Academic Standards Committee was provided with information on the University’s UK based collaborations at its meeting on 20 November 2009.
The Committee agreed that it should receive the Annual Monitoring Reports from all joint programmes, whether they were administered by the University of Glasgow, or by the Partner Institution.
The attached spreadsheet indicates the current status of these collaborations, and attaches those Annual Monitoring Reports which have been received to date. Any outstanding reports will come to the next meeting of Academic Standards Committee. The Committee will note that no annual monitoring report will be required for those programmes which are discontinuing beyond 2009-10.
ASC will note the variability in the format of the Annual Monitoring Reports. The University’s template for AMR’s will be provided by the Senate Office to programme leaders for future reports.