University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee
A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 30 September 2016 at 10:00 AM in the Melville Room
Mrs Ruth Cole
Clerk to the Committee
2. *Matters Arising
2.1 Proposed Changes to Generic Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Degrees (ASC/2015/63)
4. *Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee held on 9 September 2016 – Oral Report
5. *Periodic Subject Review
7. Items Referred from The Glasgow School of Art
7.1 Report from the Meeting of the Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art held on 8 February 2016 (ASC 16/10)
7.2 Report of the Visit to The Glasgow School of Art’s Forres Campuses held on 1-2 August 2016 (ASC 16/11)
Section C: Items for Noting or Information |
8. Item Referred from The Edinburgh Theological Seminary
8.1 Report of the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Edinburgh Theological Seminary held on 18 April 2016 (ASC 16/12)
9. Proposal from College of Arts (Music) to Change the Awarding Body for the MMus in Historically Informed Performance Practice (ASC 16/13)
Created by: Mrs Ruth Cole