ASC 14/115
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Thursday 21 May 2015
Cover Sheet
Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art
The attached paper is a report from the Glasgow School of Art (GSA) outlining a Programme Award and/or title Amendment for the BDes (Hons) Digital Culture and the MSc Serious Games programmes at the Glasgow School of Art.
1) Programme Award/Title Amendment: BDes (Hons) Digital Culture
Academic Standards Committee in April 2015 approved major amendments to the structure of the above programme and noted that a programme award/title amendment was likely to be submitted by GSA. GSA has now approved an amendment to the award and title: BDes (Hons) Digital Culture to BA (Hons) Interaction Design. The Committee should note that, as the programme award/title amendment is for marketing purposes only, approval is delegated to GSA as a minor change. GSA has confirmed that detailed and extensive consultations have taken place with current students regarding the proposed changes. GSA will obtain each student’s written consent to their transfer to the new programme structure, including the amended award and programme title. In addition, the School will write to all applicants holding offers to advise them of the changes to the programme title and award.
2) Title Amendment: Serious Games
GSA has approved an amendment to the title of one of the MSc Visualisation named awards: MSc Serious Games to MSc Serious Games and Virtual Reality. Recruitment to the programme has proved challenging since its validation in 2012/13 and the decision to amend the programme title is marketing-led. GSA considers that Serious Games and Virtual Reality is an accurate description of the MSc content and anticipates that this title will prove more attractive to applicants. The Committee should note that, as the title amendment is for marketing purposes only, approval is delegated to GSA as a minor change.
GSA will write to all applicants holding offers to advise them of the change to the programme title.