ASC 10/14

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 8 October 2010

Report of the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Christie's Education - 11 June 2010

Cover Sheet

Ms Rona Miller, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

Report from the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow (the University) and Christie’s Education (CE) and some subsequent outcomes. Matters and included for approval, noting and information.

Action Requested 

For approval:

  • Remit and Membership for 2010-11 (Appendix 1)

For noting:

  • Revisions to Christie’s Education Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures;
  • Consideration of revision to regulation on Masters dissertation word lengths;
  • Reported plagiarism;
  • Minor changes to programmes: change in credit weighting and additional option being introduced.

For information:

  • Some matters raised from the Interim Report on the MLitt, Graduate Diploma and MA (Hons) Programmes;
  • Library/ Learning Resources Report;
  • Students’ Representative Report;
  • Student applications received, 2004 - 2010;
  • Changes to the annual reporting template.
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

ASC asked to approve the Remit and Membership.

Resource implications 

Not applicable.

Timescale for Implementation 

Not applicable.

Equality implications 



Prepared by: Karen Robertson