University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee
A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 22 March 2019 at 9:30 AM in Gilbert Scott Conference Suite 356, Main Building
Ms Ruth Cole
Clerk to the Committee
Only items listed under Section A will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any items listed under Section B be included in the Committee's discussion. |
Section A: Items for Discussion |
4. Further Information on the PGT Dissertation Supervision and Marking Practices within ASBS, as Requested by ASC at its Meeting in January 2019 (ASC 18/49)
5. Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee held on 4 March 2019 (ASC 18/50)
6.3.1 Management (ASC 18/53)
6.3.2 Music (ASC 18/54)
6.3.3 School of Law (ASC 18/55)
6.3.4 School of Physics & Astronomy (ASC 18/56)
6.4.1 Information Studies (ASC 18/57)
6.4.2 School of Life Sciences (ASC 18/58)
7. PGT Online Distance Learning Generic Regulations (ASC 18/59)
Section B: Items for Noting or Information |
8. Annual Report from the University of Glasgow/Glasgow International College Joint Academic Management Board – Session 2017-18 (ASC 18/60)
9. Report from the ASC Programme Approval Group (ASC 18/61)
Created by: Ms Ruth Cole