ASC 19/36
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 22 November 2019
Cover Sheet
Mrs Catherine Omand, Senior Academic Policy Manager
At its meeting on 24 May 2019, Academic Standards Committee received the responses to the recommendations arising from the Periodic Subject Review of the School of Modern Languages & Cultures. A number of recommendations had been fully addressed but it was agreed that further updates were required in relation to:
Recommendation 8 was concerned with the need for guidance on pathways for promotion from Grade 6 for teaching staff. The Head of School response referred to the challenges associated with English for Academic Study staff for whom teaching runs over 38 weeks. ASC were unclear what issues were being referred to here and requested further clarification.
Recommendation 10 concerned the need for a University-wide process to be developed for recognition of prior experience in relation to the requirement for staff participation in Early Career Development Programme. The response simply referred to the ECDP Policy and Procedure which had been provided as an Appendix. Members noted that this document failed to address the issue in any detail. Confusion also arose from the fact that the term ‘programme’ was used in the document to mean several different things. It was believed that there was a process (administered by LEADS) of exempting staff from components of the programme but it was not clear whether this process was explained anywhere.
(Clerk’s note: Following the meeting it came to light that the response received by ASC had been provided in relation to a draft version of Recommendation 10 that had subsequently been revised in the final approved PSR Report. It was therefore agreed that a further response would be requested in relation to the final version of the recommendation and that Professor Pittock, the Director of ECDP, should also be asked for a response.)