ASC 19/15

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 4 October 2019

World-Changing Glasgow Transformation: Assessment and Feedback Project: Vision and Principles

Cover Sheet

Dr Amanda Sykes, Assessment and Feedback Lead, World-Changing Glasgow Transformation

Brief description of the paper 

The purpose of this paper is to provide Academic Standards Committee with an update on the good progress made in the World Changing Glasgow Assessment and Feedback Project. In particular, this paper presents the vision and design principles the Assessment and Feedback Project Board has designed and agreed, which will guide the design of the Project and the University’s approach to assessment and feedback in the future.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee are asked to note this paper and to:

1. Acknowledge the defined vision and design principles for the University’s approach to assessment and feedback.

2. Provide suggestions for raising awareness and engagement within Colleges and Schools beyond that agreed by the Assessment and Feedback Project Board.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Academic Standards Committee members and the WCGT Programme Team.

Resource implications 

Not applicable.

Timescale for Implementation 


Equality implications 

Not applicable.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson