ASC 19/08
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 4 October 2019
Cover Sheet
Mrs Catherine Omand, Senior Academic Policy Manager
At its meeting on 22 March 2019, Academic Standards Committee received the responses to the recommendations arising from the Periodic Subject Review of Music.
A number of the responses were discussed, and ASC agreed to ask for further updates for the October 2019 meeting as follows:
Recommendation 4: The recommendation concerned a review of the administration and content of the BEng/MEng degree, and the response focused on content without any reference to consideration of joint ownership of the programme, as envisaged in the review report.
Recommendation 7: The response indicated that the Subject was conducting a review of its assessment and feedback strategy. ASC would welcome a further report once the audit of assessments and documentation was complete.
Recommendation 11: The recommendation concerned the provision of career information to students. The response provided was brief with no reference to the involvement of the Careers Service, and a further update on the career development resources to be developed on Moodle would be welcome.