ASC 18/46

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 25 January 2019

Update on Progress Made Against Recommendation 1 (Transition) Arising from the Academic Review of Glasgow International College (GIC) held on 26 March 2015

Cover Sheet

Douglas Aiton, College Director, Glasgow International College

Brief description of the paper 

The enclosed paper from Glasgow International College (GIC) is a further update on the progress made against Recommendation 1, Transition from the Academic Review of GIC held on 26 March 2015. The recommendation relates to mentoring of students and the transition from GIC to studying at the University. An interim progress statement was provided to Academic Standards Committee (ASC) in November 2017 but it was agreed that GIC undertake a more comprehensive review and a fuller report be provided to ASC. The paper has been prepared following consultation with members of the GIC-University of Glasgow Joint Academic Management Board (JAMB).

Action Requested 

ASC is asked to consider the adequacy of the updated response and the progress made.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

As identified in the paper.

Resource implications 

No resource implications have been identified for the University

Timescale for Implementation 

Identified, as appropriate, in the paper.

Equality implications 

No equality implications have been identified for the University.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson