ASC 17/89

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 25 May 2018

Report of the Institution-led Review of Education Programmes (Incorporating Programme Revalidation) in the Agriculture and Business Management Department at Scotland’s Rural College, and the Response of Programme Teams to Conditions set by the Validation Panel

Cover Sheet

Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and Scotland’s Rural College

Brief description of the paper 

The two enclosed papers are:

1. The Report of the Institution-led Review of Education Programmes in the Agriculture and Business Management Department at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), incorporating revalidation of the following programmes:

  • MSc Agricultural Professional Practice
  • MSc Organic Farming
  • BSc Agriculture
  • BA Rural Business Management; and

2. The response of the Programme Teams to the conditions set by the validation panel.

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) is asked to note that SRUC expects conditions (and also any recommendations that impact on the fulfilling of conditions) to have been addressed prior to submission to ASC for approval. Other recommendations (from revalidation, and also those from institution-led review) will be taken forward by SRUC through their internal committee structure and reported to the university in their annual report.

With regard to the above programmes, ASC is asked to note that all conditions have been fully resolved to the satisfaction of the Convener of the validation panel.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to approve the revalidation of the following programmes at Scotland’s Rural College for six years, with effect from session 2018-19.

  • BSc/BSc (Honours) Agriculture
  • BA/BA (Honours) Rural Business Management
  • PgDip/MSc Agricultural Professional Practice
  • PgDip/MSc Organic Farming
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 


Resource implications 

No resource implications have been identified for the University.

Timescale for Implementation 

Revalidation of the above programmes will take effect from session 2018-19.

Equality implications 

As the revalidated programmes are not new or amended, Equality Impact Assessments are not required.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson