ASC 17/79

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 25 May 2018

Summary Report of the Validation Event for the Re-Validation of the Bachelor of Theology and Master of Theology, and Validation of the Master of Theology in Missiology held at Edinburgh Theological Seminary, The Mound, Edinburgh on 19 February 2018

Cover Sheet

Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, University of Glasgow and Edinburgh Theological Seminary Joint Board

Brief description of the paper 

The attached paper is the Report on the validation event for the re-validation of the Bachelor of Theology, Master of Theology (Research) and Master of Theology in Scottish Church History and Theology (Taught) programmes, and the Validation of the proposed Master of Theology in Missiology (Taught) programme, at Edinburgh Theological Seminary (ETS).

Members are asked to note that Academic Standards Committee (ASC) approved the Statement of Intent for the proposed Master of Theology in Missiology (Taught) programme at its meeting on 19 May 2017.

Action Requested 

ASC is asked to consider the Report and approve:

1. The re-validation of the following programmes for a period of six years, from September, 2019:

Bachelor of Theology

Master of Theology (Research)

Master of Theology in Scottish Church History and Theology (Taught); and

2. The validation of the following programme for a period of six years, from September, 2018:

Master of Theology in Missiology (Taught).

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Edinburgh Theological Seminary.

Resource implications 

No resource implications have been identified for the University.

Timescale for Implementation 

Validation of Master of Theology in Missiology (Taught) – September, 2018.

Re-validation of Bachelor of Theology; Master of Theology (Research) and Master of Theology in Scottish Church History and Theology (Taught) – September 2019.

Equality implications 

ETS has undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment for the proposed MTh in Missiology (Taught). ETS has pointed out that it is a faith-based HEI and, as such, this might be considered by some to have a potential negative impact on a protected characteristic group i.e. Religion or Belief. ETS advises, however, that it operates a policy of non-discrimination in terms of all protected characteristic groups and welcomes applications from all potential students, whether or not they share ETS’s particular faith position.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson